HomeHealth and FitnessStrength Training: If you want to remain Strong and active as you...

Strength Training: If you want to remain Strong and active as you age, include strength training

Strength Training: Many changes occur in the body with increasing age. In women, especially after menopause, bone density begins to decrease and the risk of osteoporosis increases. As the process of muscle weakening accelerates, body fat starts increasing.

On the other hand, complaints of lack of sleep and mood swings also become common. An effective solution to all such problems is strength training, which prevents loss of muscle mass and bone density. You are able to sleep well.

Why is strength training important?

Bone disease osteoporosis is also called the ‘silent thief’, which becomes serious with increasing age. According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, one in three women in the world is affected by it. About 61 million people in India suffer from it, of which 80 percent are women.

Strength Training

The problem of osteoporosis has become more serious due to changes in lifestyle in the last two decades. According to doctors, the only way to prevent this is exercise and balanced diet. Strength training is considered to be the most effective among exercises.

Improve bone density

Various studies have also proven that strength training significantly improves the bone density of women. Their connective tissue strength increases and the risk of osteoporosis decreases. Additionally, strength training builds muscle and burns fat. Apart from this, the levels of hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone also improve.

What is strength training?

It is a type of physical activity that can strengthen muscles. It is also called resistance training in which exercises are performed with dumbbells, weight machines, elastic bands or body weight. This is completely different from running, swimming, Zumba, cycling and other aerobic exercises.

Benefits of strength training

As times are changing. Misunderstandings are being cleared. Women are becoming conscious about their fitness. Similarly, the trend of adopting new methods of fitness is increasing among them. Strength training is one of them. After all, its benefits are amazing.

According to experts, doing this increases the strength, size and strength of the muscles. The body becomes flexible. Metabolism improves. The risk of type 2 diabetes and heart diseases is reduced. Along with getting relief from physical problems, mental stress also reduces. Self-confidence develops within the person. The World Health Organization recommends some specific strength training exercises for women.

5 Effective Strength Training Exercises

Strength Training
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1. sit

In this exercise, many muscle groups are worked simultaneously, like quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings etc. This strengthens the muscles of the lower body, legs and hips. Doing squats for 10 minutes burns extra fat in the body.

2. Glute Bridge

Glute bridge exercise (strength training for fitness) is very effective in getting rid of fat from hips and belly. This exercise activates the muscles of the hips. Due to this, tension is not felt in the hips. People who work behind a desk in the office all day, their glute muscles become weak due to sitting for long periods of time. There is stiffness in the hamstrings. Through this exercise they can get rid of those problems.

3. plank

It is considered a mood booster exercise. This cures stiff muscles. Their stress reduces. This makes the muscles and body strong. Along with this, flexibility also comes in the body. By activating the abdominal muscles, belly fat is reduced.

4. Creep

This is a fullbody workout (strength training for fitness). This strengthens the back. The body becomes flexible. It is also very beneficial in burning calories. Crawling is also considered an excellent cardiovascular exercise.

5. Lungs

This strength exercise works well on the muscles of the lower body (strength training for fitness), including the hamstrings, glutes and quadriceps.

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