Meet Nicole Becke: Nicole Becke is the "Bela do Atlético Mineiro," known for her beauty and candid views on relationships .

 Breakup Reason: Nicole ended a one-year relationship because her boyfriend didn't want to have sex every day.

Frequency Issue: Initially, her boyfriend had sex daily to please her, but later it dropped to three times a week or less .

Importance of Harmony: Nicole believes both partners need to be in harmony in all aspects, including sexual compatibility.

Key Traits for Love: For Nicole, a good relationship also requires good character, fidelity, and a fun personality .

 Daily Desire: Nicole prefers a partner who is willing to have sex every day and enjoys it as much as she does.

More Than Looks: Attracting Nicole involves more than sexual compatibility; the partner must be kind and funny too.

Football Flirts: Nicole gets a lot of attention from football players but prefers serious relationships over casual flings 

No Cheating: Nicole refuses to be involved with married men, believing it's important to respect others' relationships .

Serious About Commitment: Despite receiving many flirtations, Nicole is looking for a long-term, committed relationship.