HomeNewsPolitical Upheaval in Bangladesh: Sheikh Hasina Flees as Military Takes Control

Political Upheaval in Bangladesh: Sheikh Hasina Flees as Military Takes Control

In a dramatic turn of events, Bangladesh witnessed a significant shift in power as Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was ousted following widespread protests and subsequent military intervention. The turmoil culminated on August 5, 2024, when Hasina fled to India amidst escalating violence and public unrest. The situation marks the end of Hasina’s autocratic rule, which began in 2009, and ushers in a new, uncertain chapter for the nation.

The Protests and Violence

Sheikh Hasina

The unrest in Bangladesh began with student-led demonstrations against civil service job quotas. These protests quickly evolved into mass movements demanding the resignation of Hasina. The situation escalated, leading to over 422 deaths, with the deadliest day occurring just before Hasina’s departure. Protesters stormed the parliament building in Dhaka, while other parts of the city saw charred remains of offices and looted homes, particularly targeting those perceived as loyal to the former prime minister.

Military Intervention and Aftermath

With Hasina’s exit, the military assumed control, pledging to form an interim government. Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus expressed his willingness to lead this transitional phase, emphasizing the importance of free elections for lasting peace. As the military steps in to fill the power vacuum, they have promised to investigate the brutal crackdown on the protests.

Public Reaction and Future Prospects

The mood in Dhaka has been mixed. While some businesses and daily activities resumed, the public remains wary, especially with incidents of violence against police officers and attacks on minority communities. Citizens like Parvez Hossain and Nurul Islam voiced hope for a new beginning and the end of dictatorial rule. The interim government’s success will likely hinge on its ability to address these grievances and ensure a peaceful transition.

The Flight of Sheikh Hasina

Sheikh Hasina

Sheikh Hasina’s departure was closely followed worldwide, with her flight becoming the most tracked on August 5, 2024. She left Bangladesh aboard a C-130 transport aircraft, landing at Hindon Air Base near Delhi. Reports indicate she will remain in India before possibly moving to London. Meanwhile, her residence in Dhaka was ransacked by protesters, symbolizing the public’s frustration with her government.


Bangladesh stands at a critical juncture as it transitions away from Sheikh Hasina’s rule. The country’s future will depend on the military’s handling of the interim period and the establishment of a democratic process that respects the people’s will. As the nation grapples with its past and looks towards a potentially brighter future, the global community watches closely, hoping for a peaceful resolution to this crisis.

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